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Get started with kombucha

Get started with kombucha

Kombucha is a carbonated drink with thousands of years of history that is as trendy as it is healthy. It is made from sweetened tea and kombucha mushrooms and is filled with amino acids and enzymes that have many healthy properties and lactic acid bacteria that are good for digestion.

Many people drink kombucha as an alternative to wine and beer. Others drink it because they feel it makes them feel good or because they feel that it strengthens their immune system. We drink kombucha because it is so delicious.

1 liter of water

2 tea bags (black, white, or green)

1/2 dl organic sugar

2 dl apple cider vinegar

1 kombucha mushroom (available to buy in health food stores)

2 dl seasoning that can be varied according to season (for exemple ginger, apple, cinnamon, star anise, orange, blueberry, rhubarb or strawberry)

Do as follows: Boil the water and add the tea and sugar. Let go. Let the liquid cool to room temperature and then pour into a glass or porcelain vessel. Add vinegar and kombucha mushrooms. Cover the opening of the container with a thin kitchen towel and fasten with rubber bands.

Let stand at room temperature for about fourteen days. The longer it stands, the more sour taste. Strain the liquid and pour into glass jars or bottles. Add seasoning. Let stand in the fridge for about three days before the kombucha is ready to drink.

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Published: 2021-10-07
Get started with kombucha

Get started with kombucha

Kombucha is a carbonated drink with thousands of years of history that is as trendy as it is healthy. It is made from sweetened tea and kombucha mushrooms and is filled with amino acids and enzymes that have many healthy properties and lactic acid bacteria that are good for digestion.
Moist moist moist!

Moist moist moist!

When it comes to hair, it is important to understand what a hair strand really is. Built in layers upon layers, the hair struggles to bind moisture that lasts. a challenge everyone who has dry hair knows is difficult! Here is our solution - organic also <3

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